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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy (RCT) is a last ditch treatment to prevent tooth extraction.

It is performed after irreversible toothache or dental abscess. Root canal is common after deep fillings, crown work and bridgework. Any procedure that causes harm to the dental pulp will increase the risk of requiring RCT. Root treatment is also necessary after accidents that cause the dental pulp to be exposed.

Once a tooth is root treated, it becomes discoloured, weak and brittle requiring protection with either a Crown or Inlay.

The quality of the end product of RCT is always directly proportional to the experience of the dentist. Unfortunately due to the nature of the biological organism, even after a “good” RCT, the tooth may still fail due to micro-variations in tooth anatomy.

Visit 1

  1. Access to the root canal system is made using conventional instruments.
  2. The contents of the pulp chamber and root canals are removed using endodontic files
  3. The pulp chamber and root canals are washed with Sodium Hypochlorite (the active ingredient found in household bleach) to kill the infective bacteria.
  4. Medicaments are placed inside the pulp chamber and root canals to work at a local level to kill infective agents and to “fix” remaining organic tissue.
  5. The cavity is closed with a temporary filling material
  6. Antibiotics and analgesics may be necessary at this stage.

Visit 2

  1. The tooth is reopened
  2. The contents of the pulp chamber and root canals are removed using endodontic files
  3. The pulp chamber and root canals are washed with Sodium Hypochlorite, Hydrogen Peroxide, local anaesthetic and lubricant (EDTA)
  4. An assessment is made if the root canal is still infected.
  5. If infection is present, visit 1 is repeated.

Visit 1 is repeated until the operator is sure that the root canals are infection free and dry.

  1. The root canals are carefully “filed” using endodontic micro-instruments into the optimum shape for filling.
  2. The root canals are dried
  3. The root canals are filled with an inert non-leaking material (Usually rubber)
  4. The tooth is restored

When you have carried out a procedure thousands of times, you get to be rather good at it.